Saturday, September 11, 2010

What has our Politics come to.

 Every since Obama was elected President :
 The political arena has changed, and not towards anything good. Who would have ever thought the politicians in the United States would act so uncivilized to each other. People keep trying to blame President Obama, but he didn't have anything to do with this Childish Behavior going on. If you look back you will see this all started with Newt Gingrich ( Real name is Newton Leroy McPherson ), I am sure everyone remembers Jerry Falwell having his preverted Religous views running rampet at this time. Hey ya,  whom else Dick Army, Tom DeLay ( The Hammer ) oooooo scary,, and the Tan Man that is still holding office, but NOT DOING a THING to better America,,, he speds all day Tanning and Playing Golf,, How much money is he paid to be on the Greens and NOT in his Office,, and this waste of tax payer money complained about Obama taking a vacation during the money crisis,,, Boehner needs to be carefull in that GLASS HOUSE. I don't know about others, but look at him,, is he in the Closet,,,Such a FULL BODY TAN,, look how will his fingers are taken care of,, when he sit , he cross's his legs, so you can see them very expensive scock ,Hair never out of place. he, claims to be married and have 2 daughters,,  do you see them,, closet doors are opening all over DC. 
 The Republican Revolution,, was a flop, then they put together the 1994 Contract with America With Falwell running his mouth none stop Followed by Newton Leroy McPherson ( Gingrich )  Tom " The Hammer DeLay,, and Twinkle Toes John Boehner and some very two face politcians, made such  fools out of them self. Of course all the hatred took out Falwell ( Dead ) Old Newt resigned on his 11 term,,Army got his insane ass kicked out,,, even today Tom DeLay is still faceing charges and is being tried in Texas.
They all spend there time spreding hate,, the weak minded are the scared people and they are the one that support this group, Now with Mitch McConell  and a few others they are literally the party of NO. They showed on health care, when into the Negotiation sat for 1 hour, another group would come and relive them for a hour,,,,,, That my friends is Republican Negotiation. Since they have completely failed as polititcians they just talk crap and hate. Now that 9-11 is here, these people with some that think they are above everyone. Tommorrow we will talk about them.

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