Sunday, September 12, 2010

What happened to Immigration

 We are a country that keeps our arm's open for people of all land's to move here in a legal way.

 When the European's first came to this land, they were getting away from tyrannical rule, they want freedom, they hated being told which religion to worship, political repression, imprisonment without trial. Even these people  LEARNED to communicate with the indigenous  people of North America. ( Native American Indians ) From then on all Immigrate's have come and learned our way's and our language, and pledged allegiance to their New Home.
 That doesn't seem to be the way anymore, look at our neighbor's to the South, Mexico, Central and South America. They claim to be coming here Illegally, for work, and better opportunity but they don't want to do it legally and get the Benifits. Let me say when you are illegal, and you decide to protest, Don't carry a FLAG of a foreign country. Marching in the streets protesting our laws and practice where carring that foregin flag tells the American People you don't want to be here, and can also mean you just want to get your BUTT KICKED. Then on top of that you demand the right's of a citizen, but you don't feel you need to learn our language, you don't feel you should follow our law's like all the immigrates for the last couple Hundred year's.
You all were given Amnesty once before ( about 8 Million ) and now you think you should get it again ( about 12 million ) this time.
 The immigrates coming from the Middle East always assimilated right into America, No One said anything about being Muslim. Let me say this now There is NO RELIGION on EARTH that CAN NOT be Practiced in the United States of America, but now you expect us to change things for you,, don't forget YOU came to US.  We the melting pot ( the MANY RACE'S )of this Great Country embrace ALL.
No matter what your faith is,, if you come here to spread hate, you are not welcome,, How is this Concept so hard to understand !

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