Monday, September 13, 2010

QUITTER, Sarah Palin

 Now, Now  Quitter Palin
 Why do you address yourself as Govenor, you did not want the job { 06 Dec.- 2006 - 26 July 2009 } so you quit. You, using that title; don't you feel guilty that you are denigrating the title of Govenor. Your Robo calls say Gov, you are introduced as Gov.
 Quitter Palin, you quit;  Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Comm. 2003-2004
 Quitter Palin, you say Todd is a fisherman, he is also a : Oil field production operator for BP ,  ok, so what is this Commercial Business he own's.

 Quitter Palin, Why is Todd's name involed in your Trooper Gate.
 Quitter Palin, Why did you put $150.00 Bounty on Wolfs, and allow shooting them from the air.
 Quitter Palin,  You support Drill in  ANWR.
 Quitter Palin,  You were a supporter of Ear Mark's, then you weren't. Which was first, oh wait...
 Quitter Palin, 2008 Alaska was the largest per-capita recipient of Federal Earmark's.
 Quitter Palin, You know first hand that teaching abstinence only doesn't work, but you think it does.
 Quitter Palin, Where did you come up with Impotent and Limp,, New Terms in Public for you, but these did show up after your daughter's ex- talked about the family life, and after you had another falling out.
 Quitter Palin, how is that new, high Fencie  ( what is it 8 - 10 ft ) thing doing for you, well you did say you could see Russia from your front door, now you can't to bad.
 Let's digress for a minuite,, before all this weren't the Conservative Commentators all ready talking with you.
 Is this when you decided you needed to become a Quitter.
 Is this when you decided that people that didn't back you 100%, you got rid of them.
 Now we are done for today, but will be looking for more, and I will get more,, Oh yes we can not forget,
 Going Rouge, why don't you come and tell everyone you didn't write the book,, didn't you use a far right wing religious author for this. How much money ( did ) (do ) you spend  buying your OWN book?
 How come you gave up your Baptised Religion { Catholic } to switch to Baptist. A Political ploy ? hum.
Later Folk's Quitter Palin will always create Fodder.

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