Wednesday, September 29, 2010


 Usually  you don't hear a lot about Colorado , except the Beauty, the Skiing , Hunting and Fishing, The Mile High City DENVER,, and Balloons with fake kids in them. But they want them selfs on the map for a Sinister reason now. With voting coming up in Nov.  They are going to have a Right to Life bill being voted on, but this isn't a simple Roe -V- Wade case,,, I can in no way believe the people have read this, they most likely think it is just another Abortion Bill.
  People, Lady's, of Colorado better read it good.,, This one makes it a crime to interfere with the natural cycle and placement of the egg in the women,, Birth control pills do just that, so that will be a crime. Imagine a spontaneous abortion what kind of crime will that be, how about a women falls, or dance's, rides a bike, having sex while pregnant.
 How much of it will be what kind of crime, how serious of a crime, punishment,,, Just think how big your Government will get to monitor all this,, are there going to be bounty's for ratting out women , what if a couple is there skiing and gets pregnant, will this LAW follow them back to there home state .
 People need to STOP VOTING for themselves in the now. I f they VOTE this in,, look how wide that door will be... People be very careful on how you VOTE. But VOTE !

Sharon Angle

 Sharon Angle sure has some Ideas she wants to do away with SSA,, but we will talk on this part, she says she can only talk to Fox, because they only ask questions that she wants to answer. I guess that the people that put her there hadn't vetted her at all,, when they buy something they buy only buy what the sales man said,, they trust that person and don't want to know the other side,,, yes people there is always 2 sides, and FOX and Tea Party people only give one side.
 You who else runs there country's with only one side,, CUBA, Venezuela , these country's only hear one side and they better not ask about the other.
 Sharon stood up saying she doesn't want her medical insurance paying for OB care since she will never be pregnant again ( can believe that )  and she also doesn't think her insurance should pay for Autism. But what she is not saying is her husband is Retired from BLM , so is that a Government Program and she receives her Medical from the Government, are these not Programs she is against.. She has no idea how many million people are pooled so she can have that insurance,, and if you start taking parts out just for you,, your price will go sky high... So People do you REALLY want someone like her. These kind of people will RUIN the Tea Party movement. Faster then Dick Army and Newt are doing, but DeMitt is trying to distroy it on his own.

Republicains and the Tea Party

For the last 2 years we have watched these Tea Party folk's gather claiming they are patriots,, with signs of hate, and acting with hate, spitting on folks they don't because they disagree. That pick and choose small parts of the Constitution, they like are want everyone to like it too. Then they have parts of the Constitution that must be changed since it doesn't fit in the agenda.
 But if you ask these people who started them and why, they don't know, but will say to get the country back;;;;;  People the  Koch Brother Bought and paid for you,,, what you will end up with is a USA as a Enviormental  Disaster that NO Super Fund would be big enough to clean up, Valero and Tesaro are also behind the start of the Tea Party,, Now Dick Army is a original leader, Sarah Palin, has crowned herself the leader,, Now Jim Warren Demitt claims he is the on in charge. Since he is, he is going to shut down the Government,,, NO SSA,, NO SSI, NO VA COMP, NO RETIREMENT , NO FUNDING for the MILITARY, etc, etc. Now none of these folks will talk to the Media,, so are the Tea Baggers going to Vote this in without know the whole thing.   

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tea Bagger's

 Well we can say Sarah Palin is not a Republican, if she is, she's bad at it,, She talk's of " Limp & Impotence" 

 We can all say the same about Christine O'Donnell she talked about Masterbation...

Sharon Angle talk's about " Get your gun "

 Since the GOP is a good ole boy Club,, and you combine what these 3 are talking about,, I wonder if they have been trying to recruit " BOBBIT " the party's over.

Are these subject's Dear to the Heart of Tea Bagger's, or could they just talking about experiences.
Do you Tea Party people " Tea Bagger's " have any clue what  " Tea Bagging " refers too in Modern Street Language, Long before you all started using it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

QUITTER, Sarah Palin

 Now, Now  Quitter Palin
 Why do you address yourself as Govenor, you did not want the job { 06 Dec.- 2006 - 26 July 2009 } so you quit. You, using that title; don't you feel guilty that you are denigrating the title of Govenor. Your Robo calls say Gov, you are introduced as Gov.
 Quitter Palin, you quit;  Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Comm. 2003-2004
 Quitter Palin, you say Todd is a fisherman, he is also a : Oil field production operator for BP ,  ok, so what is this Commercial Business he own's.

 Quitter Palin, Why is Todd's name involed in your Trooper Gate.
 Quitter Palin, Why did you put $150.00 Bounty on Wolfs, and allow shooting them from the air.
 Quitter Palin,  You support Drill in  ANWR.
 Quitter Palin,  You were a supporter of Ear Mark's, then you weren't. Which was first, oh wait...
 Quitter Palin, 2008 Alaska was the largest per-capita recipient of Federal Earmark's.
 Quitter Palin, You know first hand that teaching abstinence only doesn't work, but you think it does.
 Quitter Palin, Where did you come up with Impotent and Limp,, New Terms in Public for you, but these did show up after your daughter's ex- talked about the family life, and after you had another falling out.
 Quitter Palin, how is that new, high Fencie  ( what is it 8 - 10 ft ) thing doing for you, well you did say you could see Russia from your front door, now you can't to bad.
 Let's digress for a minuite,, before all this weren't the Conservative Commentators all ready talking with you.
 Is this when you decided you needed to become a Quitter.
 Is this when you decided that people that didn't back you 100%, you got rid of them.
 Now we are done for today, but will be looking for more, and I will get more,, Oh yes we can not forget,
 Going Rouge, why don't you come and tell everyone you didn't write the book,, didn't you use a far right wing religious author for this. How much money ( did ) (do ) you spend  buying your OWN book?
 How come you gave up your Baptised Religion { Catholic } to switch to Baptist. A Political ploy ? hum.
Later Folk's Quitter Palin will always create Fodder.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

What happened to Immigration

 We are a country that keeps our arm's open for people of all land's to move here in a legal way.

 When the European's first came to this land, they were getting away from tyrannical rule, they want freedom, they hated being told which religion to worship, political repression, imprisonment without trial. Even these people  LEARNED to communicate with the indigenous  people of North America. ( Native American Indians ) From then on all Immigrate's have come and learned our way's and our language, and pledged allegiance to their New Home.
 That doesn't seem to be the way anymore, look at our neighbor's to the South, Mexico, Central and South America. They claim to be coming here Illegally, for work, and better opportunity but they don't want to do it legally and get the Benifits. Let me say when you are illegal, and you decide to protest, Don't carry a FLAG of a foreign country. Marching in the streets protesting our laws and practice where carring that foregin flag tells the American People you don't want to be here, and can also mean you just want to get your BUTT KICKED. Then on top of that you demand the right's of a citizen, but you don't feel you need to learn our language, you don't feel you should follow our law's like all the immigrates for the last couple Hundred year's.
You all were given Amnesty once before ( about 8 Million ) and now you think you should get it again ( about 12 million ) this time.
 The immigrates coming from the Middle East always assimilated right into America, No One said anything about being Muslim. Let me say this now There is NO RELIGION on EARTH that CAN NOT be Practiced in the United States of America, but now you expect us to change things for you,, don't forget YOU came to US.  We the melting pot ( the MANY RACE'S )of this Great Country embrace ALL.
No matter what your faith is,, if you come here to spread hate, you are not welcome,, How is this Concept so hard to understand !

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Middle Eastern

 Funny some say the line between the Middle Eastern people , and the Term , MUSLIMS and al-Qaida terrorists, have been so blurred that people don't know the difference between them, When  George Bush was in the White House, he even talked about the Muslim Religion as being a good thing, it was his own people that have caused this, but now out of office George Bush  REFUSE'S to step; in because he would have to admit that : Newt, Tom DeLay, Dick Army,Dick Chenney, Glenn Beck," LOL, Sarah Palin ", Jonh Boehner, Mitch McConnell, are all WRONG. You notice these people will only give interviews to there like minded interviewers.
Middle East, is a location where 90% are Muslim ,6% Jewish, 4% other ( just guessing here )
Muslim, is a Religion ( not a location nor is it a people )
al-Qaida, Terrorist group from that area, members of this group MUSLIMS
The countrys of the Middle East have been held back in the Stone Age,, They use the Koran for there every day life, al-Qaida want them to stay that way for power. Look very few of these people have any Education except the Indoctrination into the Koran, but whom ever is teaching. As the World can see it is a very bias teaching, They riot about the truth, they riot about rumors, they riot over cartoons,they riot over books, who starts these incidants , people that want to maintain life and death over them. They make all these threats on a daily basis, but are not these coming from groups that have corrupted what is written. How come we never hear the Imans or the People of the Middle East telling there home lands the TRUTH of living in FREE NATION,, how come we don't hear the Imans telling them the truth about the Bizenten Empire. how come we don't hear them telling the people more MUSLIMS have KILLED more MUSLIMS then anyone, why don't we hear the Imans telling them that the FREE people don't hate Muslims,fastest growing religion in the world, look where it comes from,, but here it is the people in prison that covert, Why did Muslims KIll all those AID WORKERS because they claim these people were also trying to convert Muslims to Christ. Why dont we hear the Imans explain why you will be killed for leaving the Mulim Religion.
MUSLIMS need to step in and tell the other MUSLIMS the truth of the World.

What has our Politics come to.

 Every since Obama was elected President :
 The political arena has changed, and not towards anything good. Who would have ever thought the politicians in the United States would act so uncivilized to each other. People keep trying to blame President Obama, but he didn't have anything to do with this Childish Behavior going on. If you look back you will see this all started with Newt Gingrich ( Real name is Newton Leroy McPherson ), I am sure everyone remembers Jerry Falwell having his preverted Religous views running rampet at this time. Hey ya,  whom else Dick Army, Tom DeLay ( The Hammer ) oooooo scary,, and the Tan Man that is still holding office, but NOT DOING a THING to better America,,, he speds all day Tanning and Playing Golf,, How much money is he paid to be on the Greens and NOT in his Office,, and this waste of tax payer money complained about Obama taking a vacation during the money crisis,,, Boehner needs to be carefull in that GLASS HOUSE. I don't know about others, but look at him,, is he in the Closet,,,Such a FULL BODY TAN,, look how will his fingers are taken care of,, when he sit , he cross's his legs, so you can see them very expensive scock ,Hair never out of place. he, claims to be married and have 2 daughters,,  do you see them,, closet doors are opening all over DC. 
 The Republican Revolution,, was a flop, then they put together the 1994 Contract with America With Falwell running his mouth none stop Followed by Newton Leroy McPherson ( Gingrich )  Tom " The Hammer DeLay,, and Twinkle Toes John Boehner and some very two face politcians, made such  fools out of them self. Of course all the hatred took out Falwell ( Dead ) Old Newt resigned on his 11 term,,Army got his insane ass kicked out,,, even today Tom DeLay is still faceing charges and is being tried in Texas.
They all spend there time spreding hate,, the weak minded are the scared people and they are the one that support this group, Now with Mitch McConell  and a few others they are literally the party of NO. They showed on health care, when into the Negotiation sat for 1 hour, another group would come and relive them for a hour,,,,,, That my friends is Republican Negotiation. Since they have completely failed as polititcians they just talk crap and hate. Now that 9-11 is here, these people with some that think they are above everyone. Tommorrow we will talk about them.